
2 Replies 1693 Views

Does anyone think agl are an arrogant mob, they are full of the talk but cannot walk the talk . I have mailed them twice about an issue with my account and have never received a reply probably because it was a contentious issue. Prove me wrong and answer please

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 1686 Views

Hi @Geoffrollings65,


Welcome to Neighbourhood! I'm sorry to hear your emails were not answered. What email did you send your enquiry to may I ask, as we don't have a common inbox? I will send you a private message to get your account details so I can help you with your enquiry.




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They are an awful company. I had to fight with them for 5 months and in the end had to get the Queensland energy ombudsman involved to fight them.  Only then did they make an attempt to solve the problems. They have the worst operators.  Every call you will be transferred at least 2 times to get an answser to the simplest question. Sometimes I have been transferred 3 times in one call. and still got no sense out of them.


They keep blaming Covid for their lousy slow service.  They are stupid at the executive level, shutting down coal power stations etc and that flows on down to their disjointed untrained workforce that have no idea what the left hand is doing.   They have the dumbest people I have ever spoken with on the end of the phone.  They do not listen, they assume and then proceed to give you the wrong answers to questions you never asked them.


Worst energy company i have ever had to deal with.  worst Australian company I have ever dealt with barring Telstra who set the high bar for being mongrols.