AGL profits from cutting the concessions of the most vulnerable in our community.

1 Reply 2105 Views

I just wanted to let other AGL Concession holders know that through my extensive dealings with AGL, other energy retailers and Centrelink as well as a successful case with the ombudsman in which AGL agreed to pay the Energy Bill Relief Payment they had up to that point declined to pay off my account (amongst other concession issues) despite my holding an eligible concession and account during the eligibility period along with various bill credits. It came to light that wherever any of AGL's concession customers move house, AGL cuts their concession as a matter of course. That is time that AGL receives credit from the government for people's concession but does not pass that on to their customers.

I was in touch with Centrelink through the duration of my move & ensured that my Centrelink account details were the same as my AGL account (& with the help of Centrelink ensured that they displayed as such to any third party viewer) from the date I moved yet my concession was still cut by AGL from the exact date of my move untill I took the initiative and contacted them to have my concession reapplied to my account.

I was told by numerous AGL reps that it was because my Centrelink account information was not the same as my AGL account information however as noted, for other unrelated reasons, I had been very conscientious in ensuring my details were accurately displayed to any third party viewing my C/L account.

What this means is that in order to make a few dollars off those in our community who can least afford it, AGL deliberately makes the lives of people with disabilities, mental and physical illnesses, the elderly, single parents and the unemployed etc more difficult than they are already while they're already going through one of life's most challenging events; Moving home during a rental crisis for no better reason than to scam a few extra dollars in credits the government pays them that they then don't have to pass on to their clients. If the client does not contact them to apply their concession, it stays off. They then make it so difficult to rectify the situation of getting one's back concession paid by directing all communication through their woefully inadequate online chat portal where reps will literally tell you whatever they feel they have to in order to get you off the line and not contacting back, regardless of whether there is any truth to it at all. (I can provide chat transcript examples of this). The very nature of the chat portal with their "you'll receive a notification when we get to you" approach means that even if you do encounter the one or two honest reps, by the time you've explained your issue to one rep, answering their questions over 2-3 messages, their shift will have ended meaning you'll have to explain it all over again, and again, and again... this can drag out what should be a very simple contact to literally weeks worth of hassle. An undeniable disincentive to gaining a reasonable outcome in a reasonable timeframe. Especially if you're not well, a single parent, unemployed or elderly.

One would think that any company worth the business of any ethical and moral person would give these people who I'm sure most of you would give those people the benefit of the doubt that their concession entitlement will continue after they have moved house (as almost 90% do according to Centrelink) and then checking their eligibility a couple of weeks after their move and altering their account accordingly.

I'm sorry if this was doubled back on itself and made the same point several times but I suffer several mental illnesses that can make it difficult for me. When AGL put me through this, it caused me such bad anxiety that it effected literally every other aspect of my life and for that, I have sworn to make sure other people know what they're about.

Super Nova
3 Replies 2099 Views



I can understand your frustration, but I fail to see how AGL (or any other retailer) stand to make any money from this.


The energy retailers charge for the product they supply. The consumer is obliged to pay for what they consume. If you get a concession then part of your bill is paid on your behalf, if that is not paid then it costs you more. The retailer gets exactly the same amount. They just get bad publicity due to an issue which is likely an inefficiency at Centrelink.


In your case there are three parties involved - AGL, Centrelink and You.

You stand to lose, Centrelink to gain and AGL is completely neutral.


If there are options of a Conspiracy or Stuff Up, it will nearly always be the latter.



0 Replies 2097 Views

As I mentioned, due to my having to liaise with Centrelink and other retailers as a result of this and various other transgressions on behalf of AGL, I was made aware that AGL (all energy retailers) receive credits from the government for providing the concessions, by cutting the discount passed on to the customer either before it is due to be or while they are eligible, AGL still receives the credits but doesn't have to pass on the discount to the customers.

As I said, I know beyond shadow of a doubt that my concession was cut not due to the address not matching the Centrelink data because I am 100% certain that data matched AGL's from the day I moved (I required it to do so for another unrelated reason) so if AGL doesn't cut concessions of those who move as a matter of course, why then was mine cut? The disincentive to sorting out issues with AGL as a result of the extremely double/triple.... Handed and deceptive online chat portal AGL funnels ALL contact through is undeniable.

I don't understand your point?

All of that aside, wouldn't it be the more ethical option to leave concessions in place until a week or two after a client moves and then check the Centrelink data? Most other retailers do it that way.

0 Replies 2093 Views

How does Centrelink stand to gain?

They don't receive the concession credits from the government, they have no motivation to accumulate funds, they are a bureaucracy with nothing to gain like you claim.

AGL stands to gain, I stand to lose and Centrelink is essentially irrelevant.

1 Reply 2004 Views

As one would expect, this statement along with my other query have both gone without adequate responses.

Much like the AGL Chat Portal, they'll tell you whatever they think will shut you up and prevent you from contacting them back again.

Super Nova
1 Reply 1992 Views



You have a vague conspiracy, which lacks any proof or even evidence.


What result did you expect?

0 Replies 1982 Views

I have the chat transcripts where AGL reps have outright lied repeatedly, telling me an investigation was underway into my queries and then the following transcript where the rep states there is no investigation & never was one. I can provide proof that my Centrelink official address was the same as that shown on my AGL account from the very date I moved into the premises (however my concession was still cut). 

Also, it is not a "conspiracy" that the government pays retailers "credits" for the period the government is aware the client is due to receive the concession, that is a fact (look into it) Therefore it stands to reason that if AGL can reduce the amount of time a client appears eligible for the concession in the eyes of the client, AGL still receives the credits that they do not pass on to the clients, thus profiting from ripping off the most vulnerable people in the community.

Of course you people will attempt to discredit me and my claims, what you're doing is despicable and unethical. When the public is finally made aware, I'll be surprised if AGL retains 1/4 of its current market share.