high electricity bill

2 Replies 77826 Views

I've had a smooth run for two months with AGL then suddenly my electrical prices went through the roof. One month I paid just $30 then this month skyrocketed up to $160. Amazed at this bill I began reviwing my metre and electrical consumption history, still didn't make any sense. I travel overseas every two weeks, when I leave I turn off all switches, unplug appliances (which are few and far between and the few have 4/5 star consumption rating) and switch of the main board.


When I do return home, I'm hardly in my one bedroom flat, I have ample breeze so no need for AC, no vacuum, no tv, really I have nothing cause I'm never home and live out of a suitcase.


When I called customer service, I was told it's just an average and AGL will do nothing. Then, how on earth do I use as much energy as a 4 bedroom house? There is something seriously wrong with AGL... after my discussion with customer service, I'm leaving AGL after only a couple months. If you're reading this and wondering if you should change to AGL, the answer is please don't.

AGL Moderator
2 Replies 34079 Views

Hi henry01!


Welcome to AGL Community. 


If you have selected monthly billing for your electricity account, you'll need to check whether you have a smart meter or a basic meter.


If you have a smart meter, then your monthly bills will be issued on all actual readings. If you have a basic meter, your meter is read manually by the network every 3 months. Your monthly bills in between the scheduled quarterly readings will be issued either on an estimate reading or a reading that you've provided. 


You can enter your own meter reading on your My Account here


Kind regards, 



1 Reply 34077 Views

I fail to see how your answer resolved my complaint. How does a one bed apartment with very limited usage and lack of appliances generate such a large electricity bill? Automated meter or not, this has no difference...

1 Reply 27021 Views

Same thing has happened to me. Our electricity bills were quarterly I changed them to monthly and our e bills usually were $500 a quarterly. I received a monthly bill of $700! AGL says it is because our meters are estimated. It makes no sense to me for the massive increase just due to estimates. Did you change provider and were the bills a lot less? 

1 Reply 25897 Views

Same story here, AGL has increased my bill 3x comparative to last year. When my energy consumption should be reduced, it shows a massive increase. Time for me to quit AGL

1 Reply 25757 Views

Mine went keeps goin up every quarter! With my last bill at 900+ and I’m the only person living in this house! They’ve changed my plan 2wice without my consent tellin me the original plan does not exist anymore but have got me on another plan that also does not exist with the following rates! 
can anyone confirm that this is normal?!?







Off peak



Supply charge



0 Replies 25391 Views

I have had this exact same experience!! 

0 Replies 25251 Views

Why has my bill more than doubled and some! I’ve never had a bill this high.  Could I have read my 2 meters in the wrong order? Please help.

0 Replies 25210 Views

Hi, have you looked at this site for different suppliers plans?



If you want to keep trying AGL, then I found this link (took a lot of digging) to the AGL plans.


Postcode: Put in your postcode,

Customer type: Residential or Business,

Fuel type: Electricity, Gas or both.

Tariff type:  there are many. Leave as 'not sure' to get them all. There will be many plans provided. If you know what type of plan you want, select it and it will reduce the many many plan options presented when you click the Find Fact Sheet.

Energy Plans: If you pull down on the Energy Plans, you will see several plans. Or just leave as, 'select all offers available'.

Then click the 'Find fact sheet'

You will then be presented with many plans. By selecting the Energy Plan link on the right of each plan, you will get into the details. Even then, you have to make sure you open the details on the fact sheet where offered to get the actual prices.


It is not easy. Lots of digging and really, you need a computer to put the rates on a spreadsheet, along with your average kWh usage  to compare offers for YOUR situation. The journey is quite torturous, as AGL do not make the process easy at all. 


Good luck.