gas bill is nearly 13 times higher than usual

1 Reply 3304 Views

I've just got the gas bill form AGL for this quarter (from January to March) (it is 93 days). It is extremely higher than what I normally get. I usually pay about from $70 to $100 for the gas bill but this time, it is nearly $1500. It's really rediculous. I live in a bed-room apartment and work all day, only cook a little bit for dinner. My family only have 2 people. We even dont need to heat the hot water because it comes from the building, just use the gas for cooking. How come the gas bill is $1500 for 3 months. I called to AGL several times and also talked with 4 people but they couldn't help, just connect the phone call to another person, hang up my phone call or force me to pay it. I was vey upset and pissed off. No one can explain to solve the problem as well as investigate the issue for me. And this is not the first time I have trouble with AGL. The last time was about electricity bill, it also asked me to pay more than $2000 for 3 months. After calling to complain, at least the financial department knew that was their fault and their system had problem. They fixed it for me. After the problem with the electricity bill, my partner asked me to change to another provider. I didn't listen to her and now I learn the lesson. It happens again with the gas bill. I dont know why I have 2 meter number. Also, I can't access to the meter to read it. It is locked outside my apartment. Is there anyone know how I can solve this problem. I dont want to pay what I dont use. It doesn't make sense at all. Now I even dont know where to call to solve the problem after talking with several people of AGL without any resolve. Should I call the ombudsment to have my problem investigated? 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 3300 Views

Hi Huy,


I'm sorry you have not been able to have this matter resolved. In this instance please get in touch with our complaints specialists, you can find their contact details here.


Kind Regards,
