Where "estimated" electricity usage came from?

1 Reply 48967 Views

I joined AGL 3 month ago. Every month I got a bill with "estimated" readings. Those estimated readings are way higher than actual readings. I am just wondering, is it possible to correct estimations and make them more realistic?


For instance, my last bill had "read date" of 2/01/2019. According to the bill my estimated usage was as follows:

- General usage 385 kWh

- Controlled load 381 kWh

- Solar 660 kWh


On 6/01/2019 I took readings from the power meter. My actual usage for the billing period was:

- General usage 3 kWh

- Controlled load 192 kWh

- Solar 885 kWh


AGL charged me $136 for estimated usage, while according to my calculations AGL should pay me about $100 for December last year.


Checking my account online, I've noticed that on 31/12/2018 SA Power Networks took actual readings from my meter. But the bill issued for period of 3/12/2018 - 2/01/2019 still completely ignored the actual readings and used estimated instead. Why that happened?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 24416 Views

Hi akouz,


Thank you for getting in touch!


If you're billed monthly and you do not have a smart meter, then your bills will be estimated until your next meter read. If you’d like to provide your own reading, you can easily do this by logging on your AGL My Account here. Once entered, your readings are compared against the readings on your bill and any overcharges will be credited back to your account.


Kind regards,



1 Reply 24412 Views

Thank you. But I still have the same questions:


1. Is it possible to make AGL estimations more realistic? I do not have objections against estimation, it is just a bit strange that AGL estimates my usage so far away from reality.  I guess estimation should not be arbitrary.


2. Why my latest bill for the period 3/12/2018 - 2/01/2019 did not use actual reading supplied by SAPN on 31/12/2018?

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 24411 Views

Hi akouz,


Thanks for your response! Please find my answers below:

  1. Our estimations are based on a number of variables, including but not limited to historical usage at this property (if available) and usage in surrounding properties. If they people who lived in your property prior to yourself, or your neighbours, usage energy differently to you then the reality is that the estimations will likely differ from reality. However, as we collect more actual readings whilst you're living at the property, these estimations will become more accurate overtime. Any readings provided by yourself will also be very helpful.
  2. After a meter is read by SAPN, it can take 3-5 days for this to be sent through to AGL. It's likely that we did not have this meter reading when your bill for 3/12/2018-2/1/2019 was generated.

Kind regards,

