Unable to access my account in chrome

1 Reply 7274 Views


I have been attempting to access my account via google chrome and it keeps coming up with the greyed out image as seen below. I am able to access my account via safari however this is not convenient and I would like a solution on how to access via chrome. This problem has been ongoing for over 6 months, I have cleared my cache and cookies multiple times yet the problem still persists. 

 Screen Shot 2019-06-10 at 11.34.12 am.png

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 7265 Views

Hi ShaunaJ,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention!


We'll need to jump into your account in order to address this. Could you please send me a quick private message with your AGL account number and address when you get the chance?


Kind regards,



1 Reply 7237 Views

Hi Jayden,


I had private messaged through the requested details on Tuesday 11 June 2019. As of yet I have not heard anything more and am still unable to access my account in Chrome. Can you please provide a timeline for when this will be fixed. 



AGL Moderator
1 Reply 7232 Views

Hi ShaunaJ,


My apologies for the oversight.


I'll be in touch with you via private message shortly.


Kind regards,



1 Reply 5686 Views

I am having same issue since last 3 months.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5682 Views

Hi himdew! 

Welcome to the AGL Community! 

If you're not able to get any information from your AGL My Account, please send me a private message so we can check this for you. 


Kind regards, 

