Tarif 31 CL31

1 Reply 5320 Views

I have a property on Bribie Is QLD 4507 that has a separate electric HWS switch in the power box and my bill shows above tariffs.

Can you tell me the hours the HWS would operate please. (I have tried to find out by other Community posts but it appears it differs from state to state).

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5317 Views

Hi AnnieL! 

Welcome to AGL Community! 

Energex is the network distributor in your area, the Tariff 31 night rate is applicable to customers who have storage water heaters and permanently connected heat banks. It can also be used to boost a solar hot water heater.


Electricity supply is made available for a minimum of eight hours per day at times determined by Energex.


Kind regards, 

