Special Meter Read Fee-DR - Why I am being Charged?

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I just got my first gas bill and it shows that I was charged by "Special Meter Read Fee-DR" of $14.8

When previous owner left you would have done a final reading and already charged them the same "Special Meter Read Fee". Now what's the point of charging again for same thing.


A "normal reading" after new tenants moving in would suffice. No need for this "special reading".

How do I dispute this?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 6135 Views

Hi Satya, we need to obtain a read when you move in as gas is not disconnected, we obtain a new read in case gas has been used since the premise was vacated, to ensure you are not billed for consumption you are not responsible for. If you wish to discuss or dispute this further, please get in touch via messenger in My Account.

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Hi Steve, when you say gas is not disconnected, what does it mean?

Does it mean previous occupant didn't disconnect the gas connection and haven't paid the gas disconnect charges?


Also as per the joining terms I was supposed to get $25 gas credit on my first bill but I can see the credit amount is $22.73. Why is that so?

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 6077 Views

When you vacate a property the gas is left on and only a meter read is obtained, as gas is not disconnected. 


Regarding the credit of $25.00 this is inclusive of GST, so it reduces the GST on the bill by $2.27, this is why the credit displays as $22.73.