Payment of bills - solar refund

1 Reply 4800 Views

How about AGL would treat their long standing customers nicely, courteously and respectfully? Why I think AGL is not doing that? Since over 10 years I have to call almost every 3 months to get the payment for the energy produced by my solar system into my account. Over the years I heard so many ways and reasons why the money (I am talking thousands of dollars) cannot be paid into my account, it is not funny; (the funniest one was actually: "you have to trigger the payment"). Latest hurdle is that I have to provide "proof of ownership" after all these years of being a customer. That is after I have been on the phone with AGL for over 2 hours asking where my money was....I get that little new piece of information out of the blue. No letter, no email at any stage that AGL has a new process in place that I need to obey to so that AGL are going to pay the debts (outstanding for around 4 weeks now!) into my account. Unless I do what AGL says (without being told even what is expected of me in the first place), AGL are holding onto "my money". I think it is time that AGL changed this and pays in a timely fashion without any fuss. And: please change the holding message that AGL supports me in these difficult times. Thank you!

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 4793 Views

Hi @FrauStrub ,


Sorry to hear you've had some frustrating experiences around this. It is absolutely possible to have your solar refund paid automatically to you on an ongoing basis, and many customers have set this up.

Log in to your My Account page and click "Message Us" and an agent will be able to help you establish this.

1 Reply 4791 Views

You are right, you can set it up...all you want, the money is not paid automatically into the account though. I am having this battle for around a decade. So whatever you are told about getting money out of AGL in a timely manner and/or automatically, that is incorrect.

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 4786 Views

So you've been told (multiple times) that the automatic payment has been successfully established, but then it doesn't go through? That definitely sounds frustrating.

If you'd like me to follow up on this, please send me a private message (click my name) with your account number and I'll have it looked into. 

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That is correct. That has been an ongoing issue since about 10 years. The latest and newest excuse was - after all these years of battle and the money not being paid again - that we had not presented a "proof of ownership". Whatever that should mean.  This was only told us on the phone after almost 2 hours of back and forth. I have a partial (until I went to the complaints department) transcript of the chat.

I hope for this 3-monthly round we are fine again. So there is no need to interfere at this stage - we would be rather worried that this would create more hiccups.

What you could do is: PLEASE FIX THE PROCESS! We already lodged a complaint with consumer affairs on this about 5 years ago, and then it worked for about 2 or 3 payments. We have been back to "normal" ever since.