Questions and discussion about AGL's Energy plans and your AGL Energy account
Australia should have some of the cheapest electricity in the world. Shutting down Coal fired power stations whilst China, India etc are building them is moronic. Please don't use the platitude that due to global energy supply issues .....
Also, when I installed solar, I was guaranteed that my feed in rate would not change for more than 20 years. Now you people are robbing us with lower feed in tares, higher tariffs and the other charges such as meterng and supply charges, which are a blatant rip off.
I agree mate,this company tell lotsm of stories but refuse to toethe mark,okay I agreed to a monitor but have been treated like a child since..the rates at time 33c..then a couple weeks 38c then they send a note saying july 55c and thats only the start shifty on their peak charge,dominated the account and no controlled load daily delivery up another $10
just about run their race with me cheers Jack
Well thanks for a reply,but as usual you do not understand that I still do not know how you handle my controlled which works in conjunction with my solar heating,agl increased my electricity costs by changing in march when controlled load cost was $5,48,then upped general ussage 33c to 38c,then no mention of controlled load,then recently tell me that the new rate effective July 1 $50.65,hey what a way to take advantage of the poor sucker,I cannot be assured that this will then be changed August 1 when the current account is due,why did agl start the price increases when the monitor wasinstalled,can you please tell me how I can read the monitor myself,NOT HAPPY ,cheers Jack
Basically because there are so many solar users feeding into the grid at the exact time when the companies don't need power (middle of the day). In fact, all the extra power is hard on the network. Power is so cheap at those times that prices can sometimes even go negative for the energy generators, so they are paying to give away power. They arent going to pay high FIT to buy power if they have to pay again to give it away! But as I often see @NeilC saying, you get solar to save money not to make money.
I agree. It is simply price gouging by AGL. My rates are increasing by this: Peak - 27.1%, Off peak - 39%, Shoulder - 48.7%.
This is absolutely absurd and the excuses given are simply not acceptable. My solar tariffs don't increase, yet the power i'm supplying to AGL then gets sold back to me at these insane rates.