Impossibly high bill - and no options provided except "prove us wrong"

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Let me set the scene. We are two people in a house (in our sixties) and our electricity bill has been around $1000 each quarter for over 12 months. Around 50-60 kWh average daily usage. Now this is really really high for two people, no dependants, in a house on our own. However we have lived with it, even though the little "house" picture shows us that we ae using far more electricity that others in the area.



To our horror, the latest bill is $2307.71. A jump of over 100%! 100kWH average daily usage.



We have not changed anything. We have not added a new appliance, a new washing machine, nothing. What has changed is that AGL installed a Smart Meter in March this year. That's the change. 

The little house picture shows that we are using the equivalent of 20 people's electricity compared to houses in the area! There are two of us.



I have now spoken to frontline support a AGL, someone in the resolution team, and a manger in the resolution team. Here is the story I am given:

  1. The reading are correct because AGL says they are
  2. If they check the meter and it is faulty then we have to pay for the fact they checked the meter
  3. The onus is on us to invalidate their readings
  4. The bill is correct....because the bill is correct...unless we can prove otherwise
  5. We have to turn everything off in the house and spend time messing about with appliances (where we know there has not been a change) to prove to AGL that their bill is faulty
  6. Otherwise, the bill stands because.... it is their bill!


  1. AGL is providing a service to us, and we are entitled to pay fair value for a service rendered. This is an impossible bill, and we should not have to pay for a service incorrectly rendered
  2. If AGL installed a smart meter, it is their meter that is making the readings, their system that is doing the calculation, and their system that is generating the invoice. It is beyond belief that AGSL says "trust us because you should" when a bill is provided that cannot, just cannot be correct.
  3. We did not ask for a meter change. AGL put in a "smart meter" for, on the surface, to SAVE MONEY on the people who now do not need to read meters, and, on the surface, to institute some sort of scam where they can now charge double, with the response: it is what it is (heard that somewhere else?)

And the onus is totally thrown back on us to prove them wrong. 

This totally unacceptable.


I am going to write to AGL one more time, and then straight to the media and the ombudsman. I cannot be alone receiving this appalling behaviour, and it is time that companies like AGL start to realise that there are customers with rights, and the supplier's role is to serve the customer, not to issue bills based on calculations that the consumer has zero control over, and then put the onus back on the customer to prove them wrong.


Does this resonate with anyone else?


0 Replies 5069 Views

Also, re our hugely high bill issue - we do not have a dishwasher, a swimming pool, or various other things that people have in their homes. No solar panels or electric cars. The hot water is gas so that’s not on the electricity bill. The only appliances we use are a washer, dryer, electric oven, 2 electric heaters used only in bedrooms 9pm to 8am. 
I just can’t understand the huge bills? 

0 Replies 5069 Views

Centrelink have a free service where you book a phone call with a person who discusses the huge energy bills and offers alternative advice - such as an alternative energy supplier.

0 Replies 5069 Views

Customer meter readings are ignored as an estimate reading is then used on the electricity bill as the default reading after the customer’s reading. 

0 Replies 5068 Views

Neil has so much information that he may be working at AGL?

1 Reply 5068 Views

To Neil,

Why mention another customer’s name here? Breach of privacy.

0 Replies 5063 Views

Customers who live in a high mountain area, that is cold, cloudy area, cannot use a washing line in the garden. Also it has rained nearly every day for the past 2 years in my area. Clothes dryer is used for work clothes and minimal casual clothes.

1 Reply 5063 Views

Re ‘One of the things that occur when you do a post is there is a box that states "Email me when someone replies" and by default this is turned on. Hence you get all replies on this post.’

So where is this - it’s not in Options?

1 Reply 5034 Views



Don't know your name, you are too scared to even give your name.


Click on my name, I don't work for AGL, look at all my posts.


I think that your real name is W. Anker and know you and your family really well.


The option is when you do the post about "Email me when someone replies",  Bill Anker is next to the subject line on the far RIGHT.


Got all off your posts William (eight at this time) give my regards to the rest of the Anker familly and suggest to them that they should use ELECTRICITY at the cheapest times


I am sorry that you have a visual impairment and I am glad that I could help.

Cheers Neil

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0 Replies 5030 Views

William Anker,

I mentioned a persons name because:

Don't work for AGL, this is a Neighbourhood, or if you do this on a place like Face Book an extended blog.


Any one in the world can see this site. I give sound advice as I see it, look and you will see that I do positives and negatives towards AGL


I don't hide my name William, in any post, any one can send me a PM (Personal Message).


If you have a ANALOGUE meter you can track your SINGLE RATE TARIFF, smart meter  you can PM me and send the data and I will analyse your data for you.


However if want to remain a WINGER stay with the rest of your ANKER  family.



Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 4736 Views

Exact same situation: only 2 people living in a 2 bedroom apartment with no health conditions. No extra fridge nor wash machine. 
I used to pay 200$ every 3 months for gas and the same amount quarterly for electricity. I changed for Red Energy September 2023 to get a better rate after being loyal to AGL for years. Then AGL came back to me and offered some credits if I’d get back. I did but I started receiving bills for 700$ for gas and 650$ for electricity quarterly. The daily average usage went from 25 megajoules daily to 300. Like we are 20 people now living in the apartment. Makes no sense. Then I asked for a meter reader, still the bills are very high and maybe they’re a leak in my building, they asked me to check - a polite way to let me know that the meter readings is correct the usage and charges are correct because the bills say so, so I have to pay anyway.

I’m changing tomorrow for whoever give electricity and gas at a cheaper cost to pay quarterly. But I wish to fight as well against this energy crook.