Gas bill too high

5 Replies 96442 Views



Bill Period : 12 Dec 2019 to 10 Mar 2020


We are a family of four ( 2 parent, 2 kids (5y, 1y) ). We use gas for cooking, we do not use it for any other purposes like heating water. Recent gas bill of $278.33 for the period mentioned above is too high considering our cooking was normal in this period. This amount is more than twice the bills received in past($110.39, $136.77, $108.06, $114.87, $133.71).

Other reasons why bill amount and meter reading do not make sense are :

 - We were abroad between 23-Dec to 07-Jan. So there was 0 gas consumption during this period. But the Average daily cost and usage for 3 months Jan, Feb and Mar is same for all these three months - $3.09.- The Supply address is incorrect in the bill under section " Your gas supply details."

     This same address is mentioned at the top of the bill.


May I request AGL to review the bill and share the corrected bill.





0 Replies 8644 Views

 @Swarup yes, me too, I guess, the $1400 bill is just for one month estimate? not the whole year.

I also got the monthly bill $9xx monthly every two monthly.


Let us know how it goes man, hopefully, we can get the right way to sort it out.

0 Replies 8260 Views

Hi swaroop was this sorted out eventually??


I am having same issue with agl they have sent me 1700 bill i am single guy in a 2 bedroom flat i cant believe it.


Could you pls email me [removed] i can discuss privately as to what action i need to take against agl...thanks sanjay





1 Reply 8028 Views

hi there, 

i just want to lodge a complaint, i am not sure if i am in the right place but i am extremely frustrated As its been couple day i am trying to reach the relevant department. I have received a gass bill of $915 which is too much for a family of 3, i live with my wife and 2 year old son, we spend most of the time at work and rarely cook at home. When I received the bill I was shocked, the bill says it’s difference of estimated and actual readings. But i Believe its not my fault that they were sending me estimated or actual readings or whatever. I was always paying my bills on time, i was receiving an average of $50 gas bill a month which looked fine to me. Even after paying my bill on time every month, received  this big bill. Its unfair….. I can’t pay this at all.

0 Replies 8016 Views

Hi @Yousaf, Yes me too, I am also receiving that high bill shock.

I suppose, you might be living in apartment.


This is where the hot water gas bill is shared with all units.


let me know how did you go with your case.

0 Replies 7620 Views



My gas bill is exorbitantly high, exceeding the 5 people household house (3324 MJ+) while in reality, I'm just staying in old two rooms apartment with my baby.


The reading type mentioned in the bill shows that it is Actual, but it is not exactly true, since I tried to submit the reading my own today, it is rejected BOTH by the app and the website, saying it is too low !


How can I get this bill shock issue resolved without involving the Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON)?


0 Replies 7089 Views

My gas bills are usually around $200-220 monthly, but now my usage page says next bill will be around $432!!

Why? I'm not using any more gas than normal, maybe less even as I've been away from home often.


They now say that from July 8 to July 21 the cost so far is $256+ which is ridiculous. Why should the next bill be double what it should be?

0 Replies 7061 Views

Hi there,

the issue is not solved, the person who added this note, did that with out agreeing with me.

very disappointing.

still we are waiting for resolution from your side.

we are not happy with the way one of the resolution manager who dealt with me last month.

the bill is unrealistically high, we have no changes with our consumption since years.

0 Replies 6447 Views

Hi there. [Identifying info removed]. I have three lots of friends with gas for cooking and hot water. They also have two children each. Their gas bill is 50% lower than ours. Considering that there are only two adults living here.

Am I able to have my gas meter check for accuracy. For the last couple of months I have sent in the meter reading. This till doesnt help with the cost. Regards Tery Wallace.