Questions and discussion about AGL's Energy plans and your AGL Energy account
My recent Bill and the 3 previous show a GST amount that is greater than 10% of the sum of the goods and services provided by AGL. The total pre GST takes into account usage, supply, discounts and the feed in from my solar. Total cost $296.39 - GST $ 38.82 BUT this should be $29.64!!
However I fed in $91.83 of energy from my Solar system which is GST exempt
COULD this be the difference between the actual GST charged and what the law states I should be charged??
Guys please if you have a solar system check your bill
Solved Go to Answer
Hi Oldrico,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention!
Can I double check how you're calculating your GST? To your point, exported solar power is GST-exempt so this shouldn't factor in. The correct formula is as follows:
Kind regards,
Hi Oldrico,
Are you sure you're not including your Solar feed-in tariff in this calculation? I'd recommend double checking the 'Credits' section as the total amount of this listed in your bill will include your feed-in tariff which again, shouldn't be included in this calculation.
Feel free to post a screenshot of this portion of your bill, omitting any personal details.
Kind regards,
THIS Is the BILL!!!
New charges and credits.
Usage and supply charges Units Price Amount $383.281 321.653kWh $0.29G General Usage $116.109 0 days $1.29S Supply charge Total charges + $499.38 Credits $91.83cr8 12.689kWh $0.113S Standard Feed-in Tariff* $103.49cr2 7% Direct Debit Discount $7.67cr2 % Double Up Discount $202.99cr-Total credits
Total new charges and credits = $296.39 Total GST + $38.82
Direct Debit amount = $335.21 (includes GST)
To Formatting is also stuffed up
Thanks Oldrico.
To clarify again, this figure of $296.39 includes your solar feed-in tariff which is not what we want.
To correctly calculate your GST, you need to first ascertain your total charges and total credits:
General usage - $383.28
Supply charge - $116.10
- Total charges - $499.38
27% Direct Debit Discount - $103.49cr
2% Double Up Discount - $7.67cr
- Total discounts - $111.16cr
With these figures confirmed, you then follow the above formula: Total usage and supply charges - Total discounts x 0.1 = Total GST amount. Or, in this case:
Hopefully this clears things up and I apologise if our bills aren't making things clearer.
Kind regards,
I can count!!!
The bottom line of your bill states clearly Total new Charges - $296.39
GST by law is charged for the services that you deliver so GST of 10% for these services applies
And by the way I get a credit for the energy that I sell to you!!
The fact that I reduce the cost of your services by selling my energy too you does not give you the right to charge me for the total amount of energy that I use since some of it is sold to you GST free. so no GST should be payable on this amount.
Now what??
Hi Oldrico,
Thanks for getting back to me.
Again, I apologise for the fact that things haven't been made clearer but your bill has been calculated correctly. To address your points:
You're well within your rights to address this with the Energy and Water Ombudsman should you have any outstanding concerns.
Kind regards,