Fix my bloody problems

1 Reply 5600 Views

I have worked with several people on my problem over the past 9 months.


I do not get an email update either letting me know that my account is ready for payment, or my acount is ready to download.  This has happend now for three quarters.  I talk to people at your site but all I get is someone who downnot understand what my problem is, or that it's fixed and send me a printout that I had received over 9 months ago.


I urgently need to get this probem fixed.  I need to talk to someone who can access my account and findout why it does not show on my screen when I log in to AGL, and  why I only see old billing billing up to 9 months old.  What in the hell is happening???  I need someone who knows what they are doing and have the access and knowledge of the payment and posting process that will allow them to fix it.  Thank you.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5591 Views

Hi TomAGL,


Thank you for taking the time to bring these issues to our attention. I'm sorry to hear that having these issues addressed has proven to be such a challenge.


So that we can look into this, could you please send me a private message (this can be done by clicking on my username - jaydeny) with your name, AGL account number, and email address?


Kind regards,
