Fake actual meter reading

1 Reply 3640 Views
  • I looked my bill date of acactual meter reading.  
    • However that date no one can access my building.  My apartment basement was on fire from nearly 2 month ago. 
    • How can AGL people can go there? 
    • Solve this problem, yesterday I already told you via live chat. Quickly answer please. 
AGL Moderator
0 Replies 3625 Views

Hi Rosy,


If they are unable to gain access to your meters these will be estimated unless they are remotely read.


If you look on the back of the bill, this will advise if the account is based on actual read or an estimate.


Depending on your meter type you can provide your own read via the AGL App.


If you are not able to provide your own read, the account will be updated when the next actual read occurs.


Kind regards,

