Estimated Bill wrong

2 Replies 2899 Views

I have reached out twice to get my account changed to reading my own meter as I am being over charged. I receive a bill saying actual meter read when I know it is not true as my box is not accessible. I have just been told by staff they are unable to update my bill with my reading when your website say’s differently. 
There are 2 people and no way it can be this much. I am being charged an estimate rate the same as people in front of us that use their aircon all day. 

I am over paying an extraordinary amount when I know we do not use it and get no help when I reach out. 

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 2891 Views

Hi @Kris23 - if you have a smart meter your meter will be ready remotely, so the box does not need to be accessible. Perhaps you could post a photo of your meter so the community can help determine what type you have?

2 Replies 2868 Views


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This is my meter. 
can you please advise why my usage says a lot different to my bills. 



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If they can't get it right change supplier there's plenty more out there.

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 2848 Views

Hi @Kris23 , this is a smart meter so it's read remotely - it doesn't require someone from your distributor to read it on-site. 

The value shown as "usage" on your AGL app is only the price for the electricity you have used - it doesn't include the daily supply charge which is included on the bill, and potentially other charges as well. 


For more information on reading your bill as well as the difference between supply and usage charges, check out these pages: