Electricity pricing from 1/7/23

26 Replies 67033 Views


I have just received the new electricity rates that take effect from July 1 and I am absolutely alarmed at the increase!  This, in my opinion is nothing short of “highway robbery”.  I would like someone to contact me with regard to negotiating a better rate.

I look forward to your response.


Warren Hanley

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2 Replies 5865 Views

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to convey my deep concern regarding the recent proposal to raise the electricity rate by over 30%. I find this increase to be highly unsettling. Considering the already escalating living costs, such as the surge in interest rates, petrol prices, grocery expenses, and more, this proposed electricity rate hike feels like the final blow to many of your customers who are already struggling to make ends meet.

The timing of this increase is particularly distressing, as it adds an additional burden on individuals and families who are already facing financial challenges. It is disheartening to witness such a significant rise in electricity costs, which will undoubtedly have a detrimental impact on the well-being and financial stability of your customers.

I kindly urge you to reconsider this proposal and explore alternative solutions that would not place such a heavy burden on your customers. It is essential to prioritize the welfare and affordability of the community you serve, particularly during these challenging times.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns. I sincerely hope that you will reevaluate the proposed electricity rate increase and take steps to alleviate the financial strain on your customers.

Yours sincerely,
Van Nguyen 

2 Replies 5873 Views

To All,
I clarified with Customer Service today that there will be no Pay on Time discounts on the Savers or Special Savers Plans from now on. This discount has been 11% in the past for loyal customers, so not insignificant. When added to the increased rates per kWh and daily rates, this will come as a shock to customers on bills after 1st July.
The reason given by AGL via the message service is,
"Following government regulatory changes to electricity prices, we've moved away from offering discounts for customers who pay by direct debit or who pay on time because these discounts often cause confusion around the rate you're paying for electricity."

I was never confused - the discount was applied to the total cost of energy used (kWh x rate) excluding GST. 
Be aware if you have had a Pay on Time discount in the past.


0 Replies 5870 Views

I am in Sydney on Ausgrid and previously went with AGL as they were offering 12c per kWh solar FIT but only for the first 14kWh (still pathetic compared to previous years).

My July increases for the Solar Savers plan are as follows:

Peak +18.6%

Shoulder +42%

Off peak +61.5%!!!!!!!

Controlled load +59%

Daily supply charge has gone down...........by 1.02%. Wow thank you.

So much for the expected 20-25% increase.

AGL's share price has gone up by more than 35% since the end of March. I wonder why?

0 Replies 5869 Views

Finally recontracted.


5 hours Wednesday, 75 minutes. Apparently old version of Safari on trusty iMac


I’ll wait to see what the August increase is for AGL and others in Victoria 



0 Replies 5868 Views

Yes, I lost the pay on time discount 2 years ago in Victoria


When I recontracted they tried to put me in direct debit - no way I told them- I have always paid on time for 20+ years.



0 Replies 5856 Views

Rowdy1961 you write it is unaustralian.

Really?  What are  Coles, Bigw, Woolies and Kmart doing?

Exactly the same I think.  Coles quick oats have gone from around 65cents to $1.65.  Coles multigrain sandwich bread from $1.65 to $2.70. Coles fresh Light milk 2l from $2.60 to $3.10. Their home brand vintage cheese from $10 a kilo to $13.  I do not believe these price increases are necessary. An opportunity to make even greater profit than usual is what I see from every single retailer I use including Aldi.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5828 Views

Hi @Vantnguy, thanks very much for the heartfelt feedback. We understand that this is going to have a large impact on our customers, and it's never a decision we make lightly. The issue is that following a decision by energy regulators, prices have increased across the industry. You can find a more detailed explanation into what that means on our website here

We are also putting things into place to make sure that the hardest hit of our customers will be looked after as well. If you want to make sure you are on the best rates for your circumstances, please reach out to us on our website here so that we can help you out! Thanks so much- Mark.

1 Reply 5826 Views

You know what really gets up my nose Olgi?

The fact is companies like AGL are selling gas to other countries and I would like very much to know what countries because Australia is number 7 out of over 100 countries that produce gas.

Instead of looking after the needs of our country we instead we are selling it offshore to feed the pockets of corrupt politicians and executives that control AGL and other utillity companies.

So who are we selling our gas too? Indonesia or Malaysia who are number 14 and 12 on the list?

It is a **bleep** shame that Australia is not looking after the interests of Australians.

2 Replies 5820 Views

Its ridicules the price going up and up, What are you doing Albo trying to ruin this country, we don't have central heating (Air conditioner) or cooling in this house, my wife and i both have bad hearts and cant always get wood for the fire, we can't afford to have a shower any more than 1 a week, we have never had a stove or oven to cook we do all of our cooking out of a microwave and now the electricity has almost doubled, early last year we were paying about $50 a month easy now it's $206. for the month, it has been slowly rising over the last 12 months ever since Albo was put into office, Aren't the provisions to remove him from office as he is ruining this country, he's driving it into the ground, We freeze in winter and are hot in summer, we can't afford to keep paying electricity like that, the solar panels are now worthless because the feed in tarof has been reduced and reduced but electricity goes up and up why aren't we getting the same price for feed in as much as we pay for electricity, because it's still electricity the electricity company's get cheep electricity from solar panels anybody has and then sells that electricity back to the consumer at a phenomenal price, Australia is going down the drain, with most of the Australian Dollars going overseas, they rake in the big rewards at the expense of the little person

0 Replies 5821 Views
We have to get used to it, I'm afraid. The very rich are now the citizens
of the world, and the left is hell bent on transferring money and resources
to the Third World — an unholy alliance. No one is looking after people
in countries like Australia anymore.