Electricity pricing from 1/7/23

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I have just received the new electricity rates that take effect from July 1 and I am absolutely alarmed at the increase!  This, in my opinion is nothing short of “highway robbery”.  I would like someone to contact me with regard to negotiating a better rate.

I look forward to your response.


Warren Hanley

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0 Replies 5272 Views

Guess who just posted a record profit??


0 Replies 5266 Views

I am also stunned by the price increase of 36%. It must be wonderful to be in a business with such pricing power!

So much for renewables providing cheaper electricity- we are just so stupid in shutting down our ultra-cheap coal fired generators. The billions being spent on renewables should be applied instead to emissions control and get us back to sensible energy prices.

There is obviously nothing to be done about the price increase for electricity, but perhaps someone could explain the reason for the complete gouge of a 12% increase in the daily supply charge.

For a start you cannot earn revenue unless you supply your product- so the supply cost should be down to you, not us!

Furthermore, how can it cost any more to supply my 36% more expensive electricity on 1 July than 30 June?

This increase is totally unjustified and I don't know how or why you are allowed to get away with it.

One thing is for sure though- Minister Blackout Bowen will keep coming for you with never ending price increases from energy suppliers, caused by his stupid ideological quest taking us from having the cheapest electricity in the world to the most expensive!

Great result don't you think?

1 Reply 5260 Views

I've just done the numbers using my bill from 12 months ago with the new tariff from 1/7/23. Based on that bill my costs will have increased by 73.67% using the new tariff and daily supply charge.


73.67% increase in just over 12 months, not on AGL.

2 Replies 5266 Views

Yep about 70% for me also - absolute joke.

2 Replies 5259 Views


Which State do you reside in?


in Victoria the maximum increase in the default rate is 25%. (esc.vic.gov.au)


AGL have yet to publish the rates from 1 August



0 Replies 5257 Views

I'm in NSW. If I don't hear from AGL, I'll switch providers in July when the comparison site has the new tariffs. I tried to call, but they really don't want to talk to you given the wait times.

0 Replies 5248 Views
What is annoying is that they are offering new customers a 15c tariff for first 14kw or something of that nature but slashing the crap out of their loyal customers. How does that make any sense.

0 Replies 5248 Views

These new electricity prices are just ridiculous, there is no reason for these to be going up. Just adding to the pressure of living in australia. Will be looking at other energy companies 

0 Replies 5241 Views

I'm in SA.

I wouldn't place to much weight on what the regulator sets as a max increase. Obviously can be ignored.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5232 Views

Hi @Fj1200, Welcome to neighbourhood. Following a decision by energy regulators, prices have unfortunately increased. This is based on factors including wholesale prices, network changes and market conditions and other factors. You can find out more information at our website here. Please get in touch with us if you want to make sure you're on the best rates for you as well. Thanks- Mark.