Electricity pricing from 1/7/23

26 Replies 66090 Views


I have just received the new electricity rates that take effect from July 1 and I am absolutely alarmed at the increase!  This, in my opinion is nothing short of “highway robbery”.  I would like someone to contact me with regard to negotiating a better rate.

I look forward to your response.


Warren Hanley

102 REPLIES 102
1 Reply 5921 Views

I am not happy with the outrageous increases in electricity rates that I was informed of today in a blunt and cold email. Rate hikes of 14% (Peak), 33% (Shoulder), 48% (Off Peak) and 15% (Controlled Load) look like profiteering to me. Who can recommend another electricity provider?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 5908 Views

Hi @StuartS


Welcome to AGL Neighbourhood!


We understand that increase in energy prices may be higher than what we have seen in the recent reviews. There are a range of factors that influence energy price changes. You can find out more on our website


We'd be more than happy to look into your account to ensure that you're on the best rates offer that we have available.  I'll send you a private message to grab your account details from you.


Kind Regards,




AGL Moderator
3 Replies 5911 Views

Hi @Warren_Hanley


Thanks for reaching out. We understand that increase in rates may be higher than expected. This is influenced by a number of factors such as network costs, wholesale energy costs and environmental certificate costs. You can find out more about this on our website


You can find out our rates and plans available for your address on our website.  If you need further help with your plans and rates, please let us know.






2 Replies 5726 Views

I have also received new pricing for both Value Saver and Solar Saver plans / rates post July 1.  in SA.

The rates have increased ( in both plans) by 30-32% for peak use, 56% for shoulder use and 48% for off peak use .

There is no increase in solar feed in tariff .   Daily Supply charge will increase by 14.5 and 11% respectively.

These are way above the Australian Energy regulator's "cap" of - was it 25% ? 

Clearly there are no AGL plans that aren't subject to exorbitant increases in a couple of weeks time .  Shame. 

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 5748 Views

Thanks for getting in touch, @leslieb22m . We know electricity prices are a hot topic right now and that a lot of households are doing it tough.


For more information on this, as well as what options might be available to you, check out this Help page:


What’s happening with energy prices? 

1 Reply 5737 Views

As an Australian paying my energy bills for almost four decades now I find it absolutely disgusting and outrageous that I have to pay such high prices for my energy costs.

I listen to the news and radio and TV so I know what I am talking about and it is a fact that we in Australia produce enough gas and electricity to power our cities and country regions and because of the corrupt and stupid decisions our politicians make to stop coal powered stations before there is enough renewable energy to sustain Australia they close down these powerstations and try to rely on unsustainable renewable energy which is not enough, plus the fact that companies like AGL sell gas to foreign countries without making sure that we as Australians have enough to power our grids and so there is a shortfall of energy to sustain Australia.

Labor made promises that we will get a discount which was a lie and on top of that instead of getting that discount we are now slugged with a bigger rate on our our energy.

Is that fair? Is that how Australian companies are supposed to look after the interests of Australians first but instead you are lining your pockets with more profit selling it overseas? Greed and corruption is rife in Australia and I am calling you all out and you should all be ashamed of yourselves for allowing this to happen.

0 Replies 5750 Views

I too have received notice of the rates increase from AGL. I am shocked by the ~ 30% increase in supply rates. I am moreover angry that my feed in tariff is decreasing by ~10%. So not only are AGL going to make greater profit from selling me their power. They are also making greater profit from selling my power that I send back into the grid.  Can someone from AGL -(or perhaps our government energy minister) please explain why that is happening?  Surely as I am a power supplier I should be paid a higher price for my power?? I don't think the RBA and government have thought through the consequences of the latest interest rate hikes and the huge power rate hike will have on the Aussie battler. This will result in a lot of families going cold this winter... When will there be an open market whereby people (and industries) with solar panels can sell their surplus power to the grid directly? I'd much prefer to sell my power to my neighbours at a more affordable price for them - and a better price to me... 

2 Replies 5756 Views

My Plans expire end of June…initial advice from AGL suggested the next plan would be the default offer. So much for loyalty…20+ years with AGL!!!

Checked Victorian Government comparison website. Found cheaper plans but not eligible as I’m an existing customer …new cheaper plans are only for new customers.


Unsurprisingly a Search for ”Loyalty” on AGL website comes up with not found.









AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5735 Views

Hi @MartinM


We appreciate the increase in rates will have an impact on our customers. The rates increase is due to a number of factors such as increase in network costs, wholesale market costs and cost of complying with various government schemes. You can find out more about what is happening with energy prices here


You can find all our current rates a plans on our website. If you're needing help from us to ensure that you're on the best rates available, please do let us know and we'll be more than happy to help.


Kind Regards,


1 Reply 5748 Views

I'm a self funded retiree. Government gives me no pension, no concessions, but I do have a lovely seniors card ... Yes AGL won't rush to offer you a lower tariff plan. Much the same as Banks won't rush to change the low interest rate you're being paid, unless you threaten to take your money out. Our wise energy minister TK advises we should shop around for a better deal from another provider....Maybe you could leave AGL temporarily then approach them in a few months to see if they want your business back?  I'm more inclined now to invest in a battery system so that I am taking less from the grid and making best use of the power I generate from my solar panel system....