
1 Reply 3277 Views

I am not getting my bill emailed to me.  I get a reminder 2 days before it is due.   I spoke to a representative about this and he suggested I look in the app.  I shouldn’t have to remember to go look for it.  I was receiving account by email and then it stopped,  and I get an unpleasant surprise when I get an email telling me that the account needs to be Paid in two days or I lose my discount.  Also frustrated that there is no direct email to AGL for questions or complaints

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 3276 Views

Hi LanaNana!

Welcome to the AGL Community!

You certainly should be receiving your bills via email if you nominated that option, please Contact Us so we can have this flagged by our billing team and have this investigated for you. 


Kind regards, 

