Argue the shocking electricity bill

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water leaking.png


This is Meiyu, living in Wollongong.

Several days ago, I got my electricity bill is about 1900AUD. It shocked me.

Because I already lived in this house for four years and all the bills are between 400-800AUD.

There are only two people in this house. So, the "1900AUD bill" does not make sense.

I checked everything and found the problem. It caused by the hot water tank in the yard.

The tank is leaking very fast but nobody noticed it !!! Because our hot water service is normal until i received the electricity bill. I know the problem is big. Because of the hot water tank, the cold water went in the hot water tank and it reheat, reheat, reheat...... all the time 7/24.

This is the reason why the bill is so high.

My agl account is [removed], you can check all my bills for four years. The amounts were normal and I paid the bills before the expired time, even this time!!! I borrowed the money from friends.

But now in the COVID 19 period, the 1900 AUD is too much for me. It destroys me.

Please consider the true effects and refund my bill. Please.

If i used the energy, I am willing to pay. But this time, I am a victim. I already changed the new tank caused me 1200AUD.

All the things before I said is true, I can find the plumber to testify it.

If the boss of AGL wants to refund me, please contact me.


Thanks very much!

1 Reply 4482 Views

Everyone knows the 1900 AUD bill does not make sense for a two people house. 

AGL boss:

Please consider the effects and refund me!

Thanks very much!

AGL Community Manager
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Hi @Chrisdu , I'm sorry to hear you've been affected by this situation!


Please contact AGL customer support via phone and speak to the Resolutions team.