AGL not paying solar credit in full

2 Replies 20723 Views

Hello AGL.

On my statement for the period up to 28 September 2020 I had a credit of $283.50 and $56.14 was paid into my assigned account. I note AGL's reluctance to pay Queensland customers the $50 Government rebate but I am sure if you sent me bill for $283 you would want me to pay it in full not $56 worth.

This has happened to other AGL customers I have spoken to, so I suspect it is a deliberate policy.

Can you please explain why the credit is not paid in full?



AGL Moderator
1 Reply 20713 Views

Hi ScottB! 

Welcome to the AGL Community! 

If you have your account set up so you receive an automatic solar refund then this is only applied to any credits generated purely from your solar feed in on your invoice. If you have other credits on your account then we'll need to process the refund manually for you, please Contact Us and we'll get that organised for you. 


Kind regards, 



1 Reply 20712 Views

My AGL bill shows a credit amount of over $476 but I have received only $226.42 in my bank account.

I have lost count of the number of times I have requested AGL to pay ALL credits promptly to me, but they continue to please themselves. They are clearly a law unto themselves.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 20697 Views

Hi Rhubarb! 

Welcome to the AGL Community! 


If you haven't received the full amount, please Contact Us so we can check to see why that's the case and organise that for you.


Kind regards, 



0 Replies 20267 Views

With the Federal and Qld governments using electricity utilities to distribute payments ,dividends and rebates, I have had a long running battle with AGL to get these paid as my account is always in credit due to solar.

Surely AGL has the skill and technology to pay the full credi displayed on the statement.

I suspect the willpower is lacking.

It is frustrating as a customer to request a refund every single time a govt payment is made ,  I feel sure that it is equally stressful  for staff dealing with disgruntled customers, to say nothing of the needless time wasted by all.

A simple change to pay the full credit on the bill would go a long way to improving customer satisfaction and staff morale.

Please fix this.

1 Reply 20265 Views

The problem isn't really solved.  The underlying issue remains until next time.

1 Reply 19558 Views

I find it odd that I have to contact AGL to get the money every time I have a credit on my bill.


It seems to me that if it's appropriate to have direct debit for any amounts I owe AGL, then it's also appropriate to have direct credit for any amounts they owe me.


Most annoying a that there is no mention of credits or what to do about themon the web site. I stumbled across this forum (and all credit - that's non-monetary credit - to AGL for having the forum). The only way I find out about what to do about credits is by contacting AGL. I though the idea was to communicate this stuff by putting it up on a web page.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 19542 Views

Hi pjridg, you need to contact us directly to arrange a refund. If you are going to be in credit consistently due to solar you can request that an automatic refund be arranged each time a bill is issued. Please contact us via messenger in My Account or the AGL app and we can arrange this for you.