AGL Netflix plan - Extra Member accounts terminated

1 Reply 1827 Views

It seems like AGL Netflix plans do not include the Netflix Extra Members.


Activating the AGL Netflix plan will terminate all extra members associated with the existing Netflix account.


Did anyone else have this problem?

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This what I found on Netflix Help



Can I activate my package (AGL) if I have extra members?


If you are the account owner with extra member slots and you want to change your payment method to a partner package, you can link your account as instructed by Netflix and your provider. However, we will cancel your extra member(s) immediately once activation is complete and the extra member(s) will receive an email confirmation.

If you are an extra member, you can create your own account and link to a partner package as instructed by Netflix and your provider. Make sure you use the same email address you use for your extra member account to retain your viewing history and settings. Once complete, we will notify the account owner that you have been removed as an extra member from their account.