Support Port Forwarding with your internet service.

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Today, after transferring to AGLs internet service. I found out after waiting over an hour and a half with AGLs terrible customer support team that you don't support Port Forwarding with your internet service. This is a basic, important function for many people. Why wouldn't you support it? It's ridiculous. 

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Investigating

Hi @Mum23k

Sorry to hear you had a frustrating experience with support on this issue. Thanks for sharing the feedback - I'll pass it along to the product team.


Does this mean we'll be getting port forwarding? I was under the assumption that Port Forwarding was a 'given' when I signed up. Incredibly dissappointed to discover it is not.


Yeah, the downtime I'm experiencing due to this really... really hurts!

I don't think the community manager is refering to the issue with port forwarding. I think he's responding to the negative feedback on the support team. The support team member I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about either. They're not tech savy.

I asked about getting a static WAN / external IP address and his team leader pointed him to a help page for local static. When I mentioned portwarding his responce was "you'd know as much as I would".

Telstra support on the other hand was able to confirm both static WAN address and port forwarding.

AGL Community Manager

Hi @PDR 

Just to confirm, we're working on support for static IP and port forwarding.

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Investigating

@David_AGL Is there a ballpark eta on when you'll be done 'investigating' this issue?

AGL Community Manager

@CrazyCatDev , just checked this out for you. The team are actively working on it, but unfortunately can't provide a timeframe at this point.


@David_AGL Hi David, has there been any recent progress in implementing port forwarding on your internet plans? I am a new customer and I am most definitely disappointed I did not see these posts beforehand otherwise I would have engaged another provider. 


@David_AGLThank you for your responses so far. Like other customers here, I am keenly interested in how the port-forwarding investigation is progressing. Any significant delays or non-action may unfortunately result in myself changing to another provider; hopefully implementation is on the horizon soon.

AGL Community Manager


Thanks for checking in. I'm following up with the team to see whether there's a timeline I can share as of yet. I realize this is an essential feature for some customers.