Solar information displayed in the app

AGL Idea Moderator
11 Replies 15399 Views

Looking to see more about my solar production alongside my usage

AGL Idea Moderator
Status changed to: Investigating
AGL Idea Moderator
I was able to view my daily usage and solar generation "Without" having to login each time with my password and email address (admittedly the email address does automatically appear before the need to enter password). Can you make the app keep the user logged into solar command and not require details each time.
AGL Idea Moderator

Disappointed that your new app doesn't have solar feed in along with usage daily. You have the data, I don't understand why the feed in amounts aren't plotted too. 



AGL Idea Moderator
AGL Idea Moderator

This new app is complete rubbish.  There is a lack of detail as compared to the old version.  In the old version I could see the amount of energy my solar panels were producing each day.  I could also see my estimated bill, taking into account my solar credits.  How my house compared to similar houses etc. 



AGL Idea Moderator
Status changed to: New
AGL Idea Moderator
Status changed to: Good Idea, Vote!

Agree. Please allow us to see solar input into grid as well as consumption from the grid. So an import/export type graph as well as the current ability to drill down into these. Thanks.


Would be nice to see my solar output without having to pay the $15/month solar account fee for this data.

Here is a bright idea, we the customers would like to see the usage area for our solar comparisons put back the way it was. This new chart area put on site recently has no legends to show what is credit and what is debit, no comparisions and you can not select weekly, monthly or yearly read out as it did before. I thought you were customer orientated but I take this back. , the changes thrown up on the site in the last two weeks on the solar usage area are badly designed and ill thought out. As a long standing customer of AGL, I would have thought the customers should be canvassed on what they would like to see for comparisons as you are the service provider to us. My 10 yr old could have done better. Please return the charts service back to the way is displayed before online.