Phone outAge. Cannnot contact AGL ON 13 NUMBERS

1 Reply 4164 Views

When I go to "messaging" there is a permanent message on left-hand upper page that I need to sign in again as my time is up or something like that. This happens when I have been on the site for a minute.


We have an NBN outage in my area and cannot ring AGL on 13 numbers using landline.. I want to change the bill smoothing. I can change other details, but not the amount.  Synergy made it so so easy. I can find no way of contacting AGL and it has been 4 days. Can anyone help please? AGL can learn a lot from Synergy. 

Many thanks

Super Charger
1 Reply 4156 Views

hey @Kaila ,

I use the app/website a lot and can take a look with you.

Are you trying to access it via the app? What device are you using? 

Have you tried the basic troubleshooting like reinstalling the app/trying a different device? 

If a post answers your question, please click MARK AS SOLVED!

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Hello Panda

I reached out to the community because I have no way of contacting AGL. There was not enough room to describe my problem.

It is an NBN problem. Not AGL (as such) * If you Google "phone outage" you will come up with the appropriate NBN page that describes the problem. In the past, my Suburb shows up as having a problem, but not this time.


I am using my PC. The problem is with the landline phone ringing another landline phone. In this case,a 6 digit phone number starting with 13, which is the AGL number. I cannot get through to this phone from my landline.  I get a long screeching noise. It works on a mobile phone. I could use a mobile but mine is for emergencies only and I use a sim card. The wait time for AGL customer service was 40 minutes on one occasion, costing me 20 cents per minute. This has gone on for a week.


On another occasion, any 6 digit number not starting with 13 also had the same problem..It was on and off over three days. It also had an ordinary landline number in my area not working. NBN has created a mess.


*So it is not an AGL problem only insofar as these outages will go on for a long time and eventually the 13 number will not work from landline to landline. My problem is that AGL does not give any alternative numbers and each time I go into messaging there is an error. The community is the only way to contact AGL.  The reason I wanted to contact AGL is to change my payment smoothing amount. I can get into this section and change my bank. bank number and address. HOWEVER, the system does not allow me to change the amount of money I want to pay through bill smoothing. I think AGL should look at the way they offer services. It is outrageous that they do not have an email customer service number.

Also, I object to the way companies think that everyone has a mobile. I don't want one or need one but increasingly people are being forced into having one and one with an internet connection. I pay enough for my Internet/phone service and I am happy with it.


Synergy had an excellent system and I was able to do this in 2 minutes. 

Thank you but as I said it was my only option to contact AGL. Nothing Technical just bad service.

