Error with Digital System

1 Reply 1384 Views

Since the update to a digital metre I have not been getting the Feed In that I used to. It was consistantly c$200+ per qtr but is now virtually nothing. The solar is working, the app confirms that and I've spoken to a Solar Electircian who also confrims that. I am aware that AGL have had a scalling issue when exporting the rate in billing. Could you pleaseinvestigate as I've most likely over paid this last year. I had an online chat back in Nov and was told that someone would fix the issue. I even sent through a spreadsheet that clearly shows the change. I've now had another crazy bill and am getting sick of no response. Thanks Judith

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 1380 Views

Hi @J_Brumler,


Welcome to AGL Neighbourhood!


We would need to look into your account to find out why this is occurring. I'll send you a private message to grab your account details from you.


Kind Regards,
