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Tried to change plans today.
Got a 'sorry' something went wrong error, reload page after clicking on checkout. Logged out tried again now checkout button does nothing. Same thing on AGL app. Wonder if any testing is done when changes are pushed. Maybe time to shop around other retailers, especially if I have to call up and wait in a queue, probably only to find out like all call centres these days that they can't help because the website is broken.
Tried multiple browsers and mobile devices.
Now I get a message 'Sorry something has gone wrong'.
Are you able to call us all individually to manually process the offer, along with a bigger discount for the amount of time you've wasted us??
Thanks @h22 , @H23 - I've passed that back to the technical team looking into this error.
In the meantime you can of course contact support at any time and have them change your plan for you - Messaging via the AGL app or your My Account page is a good option if you can't access live chat and don't wish to wait on hold via phone.