Adding another account to my AGL email login

2 Replies 7526 Views

I have two properties one in suburban Adelaide, which has an AGL account for both gas and electricity, and the other, in country SA, which has an AGL account for telecommunications (internet) and electricity.

I use the same email address for both properties/accounts. When I click "Make Payment " on any of the statements I can only ever access my suburban account. Can I add my country account to the same email address log-in? 

0 Replies 405 Views

Account Number **Personal details removed**

1 Reply 305 Views

I want to add another property to my existing email logging to the AGL. please help me.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 293 Views

Hello @Mickygee


Thank you for reaching out. 


We can certainly assist you with linking your accounts under the same log in. I'll send you a private message and get some details from you. 


Kind regards, 

1 Reply 292 Views

I have an account at * Personal information removed * and 
*Personal information removed *
I want to add the Bowhill A/c to my existing A/c 
Thank you 
Regards DENISE *Personal information removed * 

Sent from my iPad

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 292 Views

Hello @WayneCarter


Thank you for reaching out. 


Please note to protect your privacy and security I have removed your personal information. 


So that we can assist you with linking your accounts under the same log in, I'll send you a private message and get some details from you. 


Kind Regards, 


2 Replies 85 Views

Can I please get instructions on how to link my two accounts. Both set up with same email. Thanks 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 63 Views

Hello @mbu


Thank you for reaching out. 


We can certainly assist you with linking your accounts under the same login, as long as both of the accounts are in your name. I'll send you a private message and get some details from you. 


Kind Regards, 




0 Replies 55 Views

I manage my mothers and my own account but I can only access my mother's account whenever I login in with my email address.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 42 Views

Hello @Richard7


Thank you for reaching out. 


Unfortunately, we are unable to link your account and your mums account to same login as we require the account details to match. However, if you have alternative email address this can be updated on your account to register for My Account access. You can find more information about Using My Account on our website. 


If you would like to update your email address and register your account, please feel free to reach out and we will be happy to help. 


Kind Regards, 
