Usage / Bill projection not showing

1 Reply 135 Views

I am not able to view my usage or bill projection online wesbsite & Mobile app, i have recently moved home and my account # got changed.

The bill account bill projection and usage details are not showing up.


Also, is there a way to view my old billing history ?


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 92 Views

Hello @Rajesh_Ramasamy


Thank you for taking the time to reach out. 


I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties accessing your usage and bill projection for your new property and I can appreciate how frustrating this can be. When you move into a new property, you'll only be able to see bill projections if you have a digital meter. However, if you have a smart meter, we can check the meter type and confirm if we have received any of the metering data. 


Typically, you will have access to your account for 30 days once it has been closed. However, you may have limited or no access to your My Account. If you need any copies of your previous bills we can resend them via email along with a copy of an account statement. 


So that we can further assist you, I'll send you a private message and get further details from you. 


Kind Regards, 
