AGL - Assistance - nill

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Hi All


ive emailed AGL; I’ve called AGL and I even went to neighbourhood; I recently changed providers to AGL; I have solar and I’ve been using the AGL to track how much electricity we have been using and how much has gone back to grid; the app was working fine for first few weeks, but since 28th July it has not updated once; it appears that AGL have no interest in assisting is there anyone in neighbourhood who may have some advice on how to possible fix ? I specifically changed providers so I could track the usage especially with electrical prices skyrocketing; would appreciate any help I can get as AGL have not been any assistance 

1 Reply 975 Views


@TWW nice to see the thread awakened, and sorry some seem to have missed your post.


A bit over a month, have you seen this corrected by anyone, or has it self corrected ?

Were you getting estimates, or simply no data on the AGL app ?


Is your solar system fairly modern, has an app for monitoring, or at least some data on an inverter readout ?

If so, what does this show ?


You can normally read your own digital meter readings / figures, and at least see what the various codes give you, see if the solar export code is changing.

Google the meter model, and reading codes, they vary between manufacturer and sometimes model.


I have found the app can get glitchy, but usually it is a meter problem with sending info, or near end of billing period it can be slow to finalise / roll over.

Recently I had 25 days or so where I got estimated reads, way out for usage and production, turned out to be a software issue in the Atlas Mk10d, which had to be rolled back to a previous software version, and all ok since.

The strange thing is it was fine for many months after our solar install last Nov, so they are a bit prone to glitches I feel.

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Thank you Lester


i use both the solar app and the AGL app; it was just nice seeing what was being exported and tracking this against our bills; but eventually IT gurus at AGL took notice and spent atleast 2 weeks working on the issue and now it works fine 

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Hi Katty8671


Thank you eventually AGL assigned IT gurus onto the problem and after a few frustrating weeks the AGL app is finally working again 


thank you for your advice anyway





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Good to hear @TWW sounds like you got the tech team there to solve your issue, as I did finally.

For nearly 8 months since the first metering outage I had, I have monitored daily meter readings, a pain to do each day early am, but it did confirm figures for me through the outage, and since to ensure no more problems.

I have now gone to monitor all this weekly, and probably from 2025 I might just go monthly and keep an eye on things.

All the best with your setup.