Detailed power appliances usage.

5 Replies 8243 Views

With Origin app, you get the breakdown on different power usage:

- fridge

- standby power

- entertainment & office

- laundry & dishwasher

- cooking,

- lighting

- everything else. 

this is very useful to monitor the power usage 



AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Good Idea, Vote!

Thanks for the feedback on what you'd like included in the app.

Did you know you can already access this usage breakdown from AGL? It is sent out to you by email as your Energy Insights Report. Fill in your Home Profile by logging into your My Account and visiting your account settings - this can help create a more accurate report. 


Why does it say that I have used an estimated amount of $35 for pool pump, when we do not even have a pool pump??




Because in your profile you have stated that you have a pool in your profile.



In my profile I have not selected pool or spa as I do not have one.


Now the issue that I have with this Energy Insights Report is they do not ask when you run the said items.


For instance one of my friends has a pool and she used to run her pool pump in the late afternoon, I changed the timer to run for the three hours (as suggested by her pool man) to start at 12:00 and finish at 15:00 thus using her Solar and not drawing power from the grid on most days of the year.


Insights is a guesstimate based on average consumption based on possible use times and does not reflect your actual use times.


For approximately $3500-$5000 you can install systems that actually measure particular fuses use and report it to you.


The NSW government has an excellent web site What's using the most power (click on the link to access the web page).


However the link on the online usage calculator is incorrect and the correct link is

 so read the "What's using the most power" page first and then go to the Fed gov site to use the calculator.


For a little cost you can work out your electrical usage for actual items in your house (with a plug in power meter) and use the information to better manage your electrical usage.


For instance did you know that most Inverter Air Conditioning Units have an oil heater in them, now this only draws 125 watts per hour. Not much you think, but that is really 3kWh per day then multiply that by 90 days and you get 270kWh added to you quarterly bill (1095 kWh a year).


Cheers Neil


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We received this so called comprehensive report too.  Yes apparently we have a pool pump too but we don’t owe a pool or spa!  They are probably set computer generated emails they send to everyone.  
Poor service again AGL. 

AGL Community Manager

Hi @rmcgill2 ,


Without knowing anything about your property, our system has to make best guesses about your appliances based off your energy usage patterns. Of course, those can be inaccurate. However, you can fill in your Home Profile to get more accurate information tailored to your property. Tell us that you don't own a pool or spa, and your next Usage Insights report will take that into account! Fill in your Home Profile here:


I already did thank you
Rachael McGill