PeterLW's latest conversations

PeterLW Semiconductor

Re: Coming soon: The new-look eBill summary

Meter reeders aren’t that flash either. The guy mistook a 4 for a 7 and my bill for that period, which has always been around $300 all of a sudden was $900 plus. After taking a photo and many phone calls the bill was reduced to what it should have been. When I questioned AGL as to why a bill that has been around $300 for years and years and suddenly became $900 wasn’t picked up they said it would have been - eventually - when another meter read was done. Fine, but how long would it have taken if ...
124 Replies 5 Likes
PeterLW Semiconductor

Re: Coming soon: The new-look eBill summary

If we do a meter read for you, why don’t we get a Service charge discount? Your paying someone to do it anyway
3 Replies 1 Like
PeterLW Semiconductor

When should I submit a meter read

You say for us to do our own meter reads and submit. My question is “when should I do the meter read”? It’s no good me doing it if it’s been done, say, two days before by a meter reader. Why don’t you give us a date to do the meter read. I get a bill about every 90 days so why not send me an email telling me to do a meter read?
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