liam1's latest conversations

liam1 AGL Employee

Re: Electric Vehicle Smart Charging trial by AGL Next

Hi @Stephen2Aus , sincere apologies for the late reply on this, it managed to slip through the crack somehow. I'm hoping to update everyone who was interested in the Vehicle to Grid trial soon, but long story short the process to certify the chargers to Australian electrical standards took far longer than expected which has caused project delays. Sorry I don't have more positive news! Rest assured we're all working hard to get this component of the trial up and running. Thank @Stephen2A ...
45 Replies 3 Likes
liam1 AGL Employee

Re: Electric Vehicle Smart Charging trial by AGL Next

Hi @Stephen2Aus Apologies for the radio silence! There are still a few hoops that need to be jumped through before we are able to launch the V2G phase of the trial. I will do my best to communicate an update to all customers who have expressed interest in joining that stream of the trial shortly. Essentially there are regulatory and electrical standards hurdles which need to be overcome that have caused a bit of a set back. I apologise for keeping you hanging on. I know there are a lot of ...
45 Replies 1 Like
liam1 AGL Employee

Re: Electric Vehicle Smart Charging trial by AGL Next

Hi @Stephen2Aus , apologies I totally missed your previous question! I was not trying to be purposely evasive . I can't say how many people have expressed interest so far, however I can say that the breakdown of total spots on the trial is as follows: Smart Charger stream - 200 spotsConnected Car stream - 50 spots (Tesla vehicles only)Vehicle to Grid stream - 50 spots (Nissan Leafs only). I can say, as as someone who is an active member on the communities page and expressed interest in joini ...
45 Replies 3 Likes
liam1 AGL Employee

Re: Welcome!

Hi @Kev0965 , Hmmm - I'm not sure what this email is to be honest. Would you mind uploading a photo of it please? CheersLiam
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