taylsj's latest conversations

taylsj Conductor

Re: Internet

Not great. My internet came back for me mid yesterday. That's after reseting my modem multiple times (I didn't have the energy to call their support). What can be helpful (if someone at AGL has the intelligence) is if AGL can reset your connection from their end. Might help?
22 Replies 0 Likes
taylsj Conductor

Re: Internet

I'm happy for AGL to wipe my messages however this doesn't detract from how bad this situation is and the absence of information from AGL. There is obviously a major issue with AGL's service at the moment and their lack of information to the consumer is left wanting.
22 Replies 2 Likes
taylsj Conductor

Re: Internet

I've had my chat open for the last 3 hours with no reply.
22 Replies 0 Likes
taylsj Conductor

Re: Internet

On the NBN website it states that there are no outages in Victoria. Sounds like an AGL stuff up.
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