Lionheart's latest conversations

Lionheart Conductor
4 weeks ago

Re: Night Saver EV Plan Charge Error - Refund Required

@Natalie-AGL, I can't see that there has been any progress in the investigation into this issue yet. How hard can it be to identify that you are charging the wrong rate and fix it going forward? I appreciate that calculating the overcharge refund is a bit more complicated, but we are STILL being charged the wrong rates today.
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Lionheart Conductor

Re: Night Saver EV Plan Charge Error - Refund Required

Fair enough, @Lester, and thanks for your help. Interestingly, I came to this neighbourhood at the suggestion of AGL, when they responded to my 1-star review describing my issue. They also told me that this was how they could provide the stellar customer service that they were desperate to give me. So, I had a look and saw that they did seem to respond to problems raised here. Maybe I'm the exception, or maybe I'm already getting the customer service experience that I deserve. Well done, @Leste ...
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Lionheart Conductor

Re: Night Saver EV Plan Charge Error - Refund Required

@Lester, there is no line in my current bill for the Night Saver EV rate. It was there before the change to time of use. I know that I am being charged for everything from the grid, and that I am being overcharged for the amount between midnight and 6am.Please accept that I know what I'm talking about.Are you connected to AGL? If so, please have them contact me to get this fixed. If not, I think that this conversation is over.
11 Replies 0 Likes
Lionheart Conductor

Re: Night Saver EV Plan Charge Error - Refund Required

@Lester, two bills, one spanning the change to time of use and one just on time of use. It is clear that the Night Saver EV rates are not being applied, despite this being a Night Saver EV Plan.
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