gazthewiz's latest conversations

gazthewiz Switched-on

Re: Retail time-of-day tariffs

I am in the very fortunate position that I still qualify for theQueensland Government feedin tariff of 44c in addition to the AGL fit. Ihaven't had to pay an electricity bill for over 10 years - AGL pays meinstead. As well as that, my meter has not yet been upgraded to a smartmeter. I don't have a battery, but there is currently nil incentive forme to make any changes to my existing solar installation.However, I am trying to keep in touch with any policy changes that mightaffect me in future, an ...
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gazthewiz Switched-on

Re: Retail time-of-day tariffs

Couldn't agree more about the complexity getting worse.If the government wants to get everyone on board, things need to getmuch much easier for the general public to understand. I'm a retiredprofessional electrical engineer, and even I have trouble getting myhead around it all.I think this all comes down to the fact that customers have to deal withretailers, and it is in the retailers' interests to have offerings thatare deliberately confusing. Not only that, but it is also in theirinterests to ...
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gazthewiz Switched-on

Retail time-of-day tariffs

There has been much discussion in the media lately about the push to convert all domestic electricity meters to Smart Meters, accompanied by retailers encouraging customers to go onto "time-of-day" or "demand" tariffs. The thinking behind this move is to set price signals for electricity consumers to change their usage habits as the grid transitions to renewables. However, there has also been much discussion about the fact that "time-of-day" and "demand" tariffs are much too complex for the aver ...
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