Samstain's latest conversations

Samstain Semiconductor
3 weeks ago

Re: Smart meter ‘Estimates’

Hi @Basil_AGL , It seems to be a meter data storage problem of some description - or how your billing system brings in the meter data. I am not too fussed if the app occasionally gives false data, but it appears that false data is being used to calculate my bill. The first day of my last billing period was all recorded as 'missing', zero usage, which was later estimated to be a lot more than I actually use - this added about $8 to my bill. I thought this may have been a one-off as it was a relat ...
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Samstain Semiconductor
4 weeks ago

Re: Smart meter ‘Estimates’

So where do I go from here? My Bill was $87.07 If I add up all the daily Import and Export values (in $'s) on the App for the billing period, plus $1.0803 per day connection fee, I get $87.15, the 8c difference I assume is just a rounding error. So I assume they have used the made up data to calculate my bill. Day 1 they have estimated as 77c export, and $10.65 import, but I know from my own logging it would be very much like days 2, 3 and 4 (likely slightly cheaper actually) which were 21c/14c ...
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Samstain Semiconductor
4 weeks ago

Re: Smart meter ‘Estimates’

Mine does not fully correct itself. It seems the meter reports at midnight NEM time - which then means the app does not have the last 30 minutes of data for each day. This will correct itself 24 hours later though when the meter reports again and fills in the blanks. If I download my meter interval data, leading up to the the first day of the first bill all the 30 minute readings have a quality flag of 'A' - for actual I assume, so everthing was online and working correctly. The first day *was* ...
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Samstain Semiconductor
4 weeks ago

Smart meter ‘Estimates’

What’s the story with smart meters and ‘Estimated’ usage? I though there are supposed to avoid that - the first day of my first two bills have been ‘estimated’ at about 7 times my actual consumption from what I can work out, same with the last half hour (likely due to being in SA) which was estimated at 25 times actual. Between the two of them it added about 10% to my bill.
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