Astraios' latest conversations

Astraios Conductor
a month ago

Re: Agl overcharging demand tarrif

Updating, send the detail requested immediately. Still no reply and there has also been no resolve to the 14 other conversations I’ve had with AGL about this. I was holding off to get a resolution through the customer service but is seems like it is completely useless or maybe overburdened. Time to request assistance from the Ombudsman.
8 Replies 0 Likes
Astraios Conductor
a month ago

Re: Normalised over 30 days -what?

Just updating. Sent details as requested and have received nothing since. no customer service whatsoever
2 Replies 0 Likes
Astraios Conductor

Normalised over 30 days -what?

My bills have started saying this: “demand tariff - normalised over 30 days”. I don’t understand what this means and AQL doesn’t seem to be able to tell me. I understand normalisation as a mathematical concept but don’t see how they apply it to bill me. Any else know what’s going on here?
2 Replies 0 Likes
Astraios Conductor

Re: Agl overcharging demand tarrif

It is a demand tariff, it is the only option offered in my circumstances. Typically my solar feed in offsets the usage and demand, we also plan our usage so as not to get massive usage charges on demand. My issue this time is the dishonesty in charging and lack of transparency and support. So I contacted Energex and asked them for my usage data for the last billing period. The same info they send agl to bill me. It clearly states that my demand usage was 1kw (they round this data on the summary ...
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