1Pixie1's latest conversations

1Pixie1 Semiconductor

Re: Feed In Kwh descepency

Hi Neil , thanks again for the detailed explanation & the time to get this together. I think I will start calculating/measure the same values in an automated way. I have the Fronius now in Home Assistant and it gives you much more data fields to work with. I will start gather the same data more or less to see what is really send out to grid. Will check with the guys who installed it as well to confirm some data. Thanks
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1Pixie1 Semiconductor

Re: Feed In Kwh descepency

Hi Neil , thanks for coming back on this. >>I am confused that you only consume directly 1.2kWh on the 14th, yet you produced 24kWh Energy Wattpilot and self consumption took 8.5 kWh which leaves 15.5 kWh, now AGL says only 9.3 kWh got exported through the meter that leaves 6.2kWh that evaporated from your system.<< I think there is some confusion and its my fault as I haven't been clear on what the watt Pilot is . I forgot to mention that I have an EV charger (Watt Pilot). The Wattpilot is pro ...
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1Pixie1 Semiconductor

Feed In Kwh descepency

Hi there... just want to know if imy understanding is correct for the Feed in tarrif and Kwh i return to the grid. There is a descrpency between what my smart meter is showing me with regards to what i returned to the grid and the information AGL is showing me for the same (Solar Electricity Sold to Grid). The AGL readings are showing less Kwh. For example on20/07 AGL (Solar Electricity Sold to Grid  6.3 KWhFronius App (Electicity to Grid): 15.75 KWh 19/07AGL (Solar Electricity Sold to Grid  ...
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