Woody-8's latest conversations

Woody-8 Semiconductor

Re: estimated meter read

Hi Olgi... I expected the estimated reads would be exorbitant anyway due to the new charges... BUT would appreciate any new plans that could provide a lower price range. Household of 3 people, and I work in retail so talk to many people about what they are charged. Our (monthly) read seems ridiculous in comparison. I do not want to pay extra for someone to come out and read the meter when we are paying so much anyway, and surely our costs should include a monthly read not estimate.Obviously this ...
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Woody-8 Semiconductor

Re: estimated meter read

Still waiting for private message ??
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Woody-8 Semiconductor

Re: estimated meter read

We have a smart meter and there are no fences animals etc blocking the readings. Previous companies have had no problem reading the meter every month. Why does AGL still estimate ??? We are paying a double now for our utilities and using less....... just got my gas bill and nearly fell off the chair, so why can`t they put on staff to do our monthly readings ??
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