Phoenix0764's latest conversations

Phoenix0764 Semiconductor

Re: Slow upload speed - Any suggestion for this issue?

Hi All,Me again. Yes changing to another ISP will fix it because it is a DNS error. For non-it people, DNS (Domain Name Service) is what translates IP addresses into names i.e. is GoogleSo i did some testing. i found Netflix's IP address and put that in my browser instead of and it worked a treat. Now the confusing thing is by putting a different DNS setting into the router it should fix the problem but it does not so I would say that AGL and Southern Telephone have some real ...
46 Replies 0 Likes
Phoenix0764 Semiconductor

Re: Slow upload speed - Any suggestion for this issue?

Hi All,Well i phoned AGL support today and was told they are aware of this problem but are saying it is with NBN and to check the NBN webpage for their maintenance reports. I can find no web page that says they are working on problems, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. I would like to know something though from all affected, if you go to and do a test is your ISP on the left Southern Phone? I believe this is what AGL use and this is where i believe the problem is. If not everyo ...
46 Replies 0 Likes
Phoenix0764 Semiconductor

Re: Slow upload speed - Any suggestion for this issue?

Hi All,you can count me as someone who is also experiencing the same problem. Downloads are fine, uploads are around 10mbps. This causes problems with any sites you need to send information to like online banking, online gaming etc...The sites will time out and you are stuck trying just to log in. i have FTTP (Fibre To The Premises). This started happening around 2 weeks ago and I am in QLD. Tried everything mentioned here i.e. resetting router, tryied another router, changed DNS settings and as ...
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