GregAGL's latest conversations

GregAGL Conductor

Re: Drawing from grid and exporting at same time

Some days my solar covers everything. Similar sunny day( ie same production/ usage curve where solar exceeds usage) and I get both feed in and usagein same half hour period. Same usage pattern each dayWhen cloudy the production curve drops and.I naturally draw from gridSince some days solar covers usage, I donot think it is a missing circuitconnection.Still scratching my head
16 Replies 0 Likes
GregAGL Conductor

Re: Drawing from grid and exporting at same time

Thanks NeilThis still does not explain while in a half hour period producing in excessof 6kw all the time and only using a maximim of 4 kW in the same periodthrough my appliances, I get a feed in amount and a cost from grid at thesame time.Is it possible that something in my house is drawing more than the 6kWmomentarily and therefore needs draw from the grid for the extra. This isstrange as I have alive feed on my panels and have been watching productionvs usage and I donot see any spikes.Is the ...
16 Replies 0 Likes
GregAGL Conductor

Re: Drawing from grid and exporting at same time

I too have this problem where in the same 30 min billing cycle I am charged for 1.8kwh and credited for 1.6kwh whil my solar 3rd party meter am producing enough power to meet my needs. Production 6.5kw, consumption 3.7kw, yet I am billed and credited at the same time. The bill costs more than the solar produced. AGL has not been able to solve this, they just offered me $150 towards my bill, for me to go away I too had the AGL contact line hangup regularly. No answers All I want to kn ...
16 Replies 0 Likes
GregAGL Conductor

Re: Difference in smart meter and solar feed in reading

NeilGregAGL just checking this example against.our PM discussion.You state that the smart meter can do two things read export to grid from solar and input from the grid. My confusion occurs at 1800 when both things occur at the same time. Surely if you are using .017 and producing .138 at the same time, the meter should.balance out and just credit you with the balance. OR charge the balance!This is where I and AGL are confused. My bill has many of these input and export values at the same time. ...
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