tiethuyvo's latest conversations

tiethuyvo Semiconductor

Re: Internet - No Internet connection

I used the ConnectNow service to setup contract with AGL, hence I called them complain about the internet service, they helped go through directly to the support person. Then AGL sent a technician, it turns out that my building central switch has some issue( I guess) He come down and fix it. So I recommed if you restart the modern a lot but without any luck, then would try to connect to the salesperson and has them help you reach to the support. I have no luck with the supporting line, never rea ...
6 Replies 1 Like
tiethuyvo Semiconductor

Re: Internet - No Internet connection

Finally, I managed to get through to reach a support person, and get a technician to help me sorting it out. It's super annoying and frustrated process though. Anyway thanks for replying me.
6 Replies 0 Likes
tiethuyvo Semiconductor

Internet - No Internet connection

I have set up my nbn modem and did everything that was meant to be done but it’s still saying that there is no network connection what do I need to do? I tried to turn the modem off and back on many times in 3 days and still the same thing. I tried to call the help center but never to reach to anyone, I also tried to chat with them but no replies as well.
6 Replies 0 Likes