AGLJohn123's latest conversations

AGLJohn123 Semiconductor

Re: Demand rate and Downloaded data meaning

Hi Neil, As well as this post, I made a more formal request for clarification regarding my bill, Demand times and figures in the csv file. The AGL rep was very good apart from the fact that most of the 20 minute call I was on hold and the rep basically did not have any answers and needed to speak to someone else. We finally agreed to a formal email reply as and when they could find answers as to how they decided on the demand rate figure, when are the demand rate hours for evaluating the hight ...
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AGLJohn123 Semiconductor

Re: Demand rate and Downloaded data meaning

Hi Mark,Just so you know I have also raised a specific request by Tel with you asking the same questions. Basically, tieing up the csv data with the numbers used to calculate the bill would be useful. In particular, I wanted to confirm actual local time for Demand rate calculations and selection of the highest 30 minute usage and if the csv date reflects Queensland time or the more general east coast summer time which is one hour different. Thanks
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AGLJohn123 Semiconductor

Demand rate and Downloaded data meaning

I have just received my bill where the Demand Rate Usage Number does not reflect my daily / hourly usage on the web site. The number used I understand is supposed to be the highest usage in any 30 minute period during the designated Demand tarrif hours (I believe 1600-2100 each day). This number multiplied by 2 will then give the KWh figure for the charge calculation. The AGL bill number is 30% larger than any number I can find in my daily usage numbers. In additio, I have downloaded the CSV num ...
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