profdraper's latest conversations

profdraper Superconductor
4 hours ago

Re: Off Peak Vs Time of Use.

Thanks for this.I hadn’t considered option 2). Interesting - assuming the small 160L HWS actually can do its job during 6am-12pm with only 6 hours of overnight power. Am a little dubious about this one, but sure, with a timer it ‘could’ be more flexible. BTW our sparkie advised that a timer on the HWS would not make much difference given that T33 *should be turned on and off at peak load times by AGL … but clearly something is not right here (still no response from AGL). re. 1) If panels are not ...
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profdraper Superconductor

Re: Off Peak Vs Time of Use.

Thanks for this, interesting.We’ve had a ToU EV plan & smart meter here in Brisbane for a few years now. So far so good, tho’ the T33 CL charges for our small, retired family & electric HWS is simply outrageous. We’re considering a new solar /battery bundle install in the near future, but have head some horror stories about AGL then immediately switching to the most expensive single Tariff arrangements; there seem to be mixed messages about this in this forum.As per recent advice from most exper ...
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profdraper Superconductor

Re: QLD: Tariff 33 vs Tariff 31

Thanks for this.Yes, we’re on an EV plan & ToU; T33 runs all day AFAIK.Still no clarification about this from AGL. The 27% 203kwh is for us as a retired couple & seems extraordinary given our low usage with a few showers & a bit of handwashing. Otherwise other devices like the dishwasher & the washing machine use cold water and run on their timers overnight, off-peak. And so this is a single line expense on T33, nothing else on ToU has any effect on that, incl EV charging one a fortnight, heatpu ...
8 Replies 0 Likes
profdraper Superconductor

Re: reprogramming my electricity metre after having solar put on my house

Curious. We are considering a new solar install from scratch. What you seem to be saying is that the installers take care of the ‘changing the plan’ and FIT aspects?We already have a smart meter, ToU EV plan in Brisbane. I was dreading going through the usual awful chat-bot or waiting on the phone for ages to be directed to a call centre - we have had nightmares with this service before (another long story).I assume this can’t simply be done via account login, but needs some kind of [ahem] ‘comm ...
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