Differences between AGL billing and my solar app for power purchased from AGL

2 Replies 7772 Views

Hi Neighbourhood

I am getting material differences between what AGL says I am consuming (bought from them) and the power 'bought' being recorded by our solar system (I am viewing on solar system app). 

The measurement of the power I am selling in to the grid is spot on between the two.

Does anyone have an explanation?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 7766 Views

Hi @robf


Welcome to Neighbourhood. AGL system is connected to your meter hence what you see is what goes through the meter as export and consumption. 


Your Solar App would be connected to your inverter and showing you what your Solar is producing, how much of that Solar is being used by your home in real time and the excess that gets exported. You can find a lot of information about Solar here


Kind Regards,


1 Reply 7765 Views

Hi Olgi

Thank you for responding

Is there a particular section of the AGL webpages that you could point me to.  There was no obvious section that I could see to explain why there would be a different reading between my inverter and the AGL smart meter for the measurement of the power imported from the grid.



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 7746 Views

Hi @robf

Your solar app relies on the feedback that it receives from your solar inverter but it doesn't accurately record your import charges. We receive your metering data from your metering provider, you may need to refer to your solar manufacturer for more information. 



1 Reply 7568 Views



I'm having a similar issue. But I have a smart meter that is connected at the power distribution to the house.

It too is showing a difference to that in the AGL app and on the bill...

My issues started when after a rate change all record of my solar system and feed-in disappeared off the AGL system ...

Now I have been back charged to the 1st of August 2021, instead of 1st August 2022 the new rate and not feed anything over 20kwh to the grid.



0 Replies 7566 Views
HiI still have all of my historic data - so not all the same issues as yourself.It is just every now and then that the two are quite different - mostly they are pretty similar

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