Connection of new smart meter

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After months on end getting an estimate bill I asked AGL to install a smart meter and also because I'm going on solar so I would need to get it done. BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER... Why


As indicated below


The meter exchanges are currently being offered free of charge, as long as there are no issues with your meter box, switch board or wiring. If there any issues the meter exchange will not go ahead. If you want the digital meter to be installed and there have been issues identified, you would need to fix any issues at your cost before the exchange can go ahead. 


Okay that I can understand but if the meter exchange will not go ahead on that day then why did they not just leave, give me the report so I could fix in my own time.... No they don't give you that option they expect you to address the issue straight away because they have already cut your power off so your only solution is to get an electrician come out as an emergency to fix the issue and then the electrician will then need to organise SAPN to reconnect your services hopefully in the same day. But this is where they get you... to reconnect should be straight forward and be a standard reconnect because its not new everything is there already but no, just because you had an electrician to do the work they will now require you to shell out $466.40 for them to restore the power all because of the certificate of compliance and a safety check they say they do. He came out reconnect didn't spend no more than 5 mins and I saw no compliance of actual safety check being done (where is the report or paperwork showing what he actually check load of bull**bleep** if you ask me) Plus I had the electrician who is certified do the majority of work . All I saw SAPN do i take the lid of the box touched two cables put the lid back on and he was gone.

And after all of that my friends you then have to rebook a time for them to come out again wait another 15 days to reinstall a new smart meter. So the moral of the story is you are screwed and threatened that you will only get the power back if you agree to paying the amount. By the way no consent was actually given by me as I never spoke to SAPN it was my electrician who called so maybe next time SAPN should really talk to the homeowner for consent because I'm now disputing this...