Json API to pull usage data

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Hi Agl


Is there an API available so i can pull my usage data ( same data found in the downloadable scv at https://myaccount.agl.com.au/usage )  from my agl account to a database i'm creating to analyse my solar generation across multiple system and my power usage 



A big plus if AGL does this earlier enough. 

It is anticipated with the Consumer Data Right legislation, this will be applied sector by sector across the whole economy, beginning in the banking, energy and telecommunications sectors. Open Banking is phased work in progress..


@David_AGL As a way of organising household bills, I am looking if AGL has exposed invoice data, say Get current Invoice by Account Number. Or filtered by short date range? Interested in Amount due, Due date among other invoice data which currently I am parsing Invoice PDF. It Would be a lot better to emit invoice data as a web service. 

Thank you


I'm would also love AGL to build an API frontend so I can feed this data into my home automation.


Access to invoices is less desirable for me at least ... mainly because the cycle for production is monthly at best and because it will always contain personal identifying information the security/authentication requirements would be more complicated.


A bare KISS interface that provides a response to an NMI number and date range (say max 7 days per request) that has no PII would be ideal.  Naturally AGL has to manage demand/load and prepare to blacklist abusers etc so there is some build required ... but surely it can start small and expand if demand materialises.  My 2 bob is go agile and see what transpires :-).


+1 for an AGL Frontend API.


A further thought ... if only providing an NMI causes concern that bad actors could guess/enumerate the numbers ... an additional parameter such as the street name or the postcode of the service address should be close to impossible to guess.  If the combination is wrong either respond with a brief nada or just drop the request (like a black hole) ... brutal and a bit of a pain to commission / debug but reduces the need to hold a blacklist.


Given the desired response contains only a bunch of non-identifying numbers I can’t imagine why anyone would bother except a random idiot trying to conduct an MDOS against AGL.


+1 for API access for integrating usage with the generation data from my inverter.


On poking about the URL that delivers the CSV download is ...




At present this doesn't work without an authenticated session being established ... but it would seem to deliver on a requirement for sufficient proof of ownership (query values) that make it almost impossible to imagine abuse.


Naturally this is taking a sledge-hammer (as the CSV file can be up to 10 Mb) whereas the JSON API could reduce data volumes to insignificant amounts ... so please upvote the API. 


If the live/history API goes ahead, could you please supply the raw meter counters, and not just the 30 minute deltas (that the CSV has)?


+1 for an AGL Frontend API.


Absolutely love to see this function made available for home energy monitoring, there are many third party system that could then integrate it