Json API to pull usage data

84 Replies 755838 Views

Hi Agl


Is there an API available so i can pull my usage data ( same data found in the downloadable scv at https://myaccount.agl.com.au/usage )  from my agl account to a database i'm creating to analyse my solar generation across multiple system and my power usage 


For Aus/VIC, both Amber and OVO now support this. They're both "next-Gen" retailers, cutting out the middle man, thus generally offering the cheapest offers on the market. There are a few more, who may also support API access, but I cannot say for sure. I suggest further exploration of these retailers if OVO or Amber do not fit your needs. 


I've also contacted UnitedEnergy and they have no plans to enable open API access again. 


For HA users in Vic, there are two methods that make use of the Powerpal, but they are somewhat technical in nature, not plug & play integrations. 


Awesome! Thanks Paradox! I just switched from AGL to Amber (looks like they have a better rate as well).


AGL: getting outcompeted on cost-leadership and differentiation? 


Im glad i was able to help you. I have also sent you a personal message if you could please take a look at that and respond accordingly if you are happy to.

The reason you may find that Amber is able to out-cost AGL is because Amber is a "Next-Gen-Exlectricty-Retailter", which you can find much more info on their page. But essentially, they are cutting out the middle man, and charging based on the actual cost of electricity, which anyone can view here NEM Wholesale Electricty Market 




AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Not Right Now

Hi Neighbourhood members. 


Thankyou so much for all the interest and feedback around this idea over the past couple of years. API access has been our most popular customer-submitted idea by a wide margin and as a direct result of your enthusiasm our teams have undertaken several detailed investigations into providing it. 


Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to enable this in the foreseeable future, and in the interests of being transparent and realistic, I’m going to update the status accordingly.  


As much as we’d love to make it happen, implementing it comes with a number of technical, security and resource-related challenges that ultimately put it out of reach.  


I realize this will be disappointing new for many contributors here, and it's disappointing for many of our team members as well who are as passionate as you are about automation and energy management. But don’t worry, we’re still dedicated to improving access to detailed usage data across the platform. 


A few participants on this Idea have mentioned that modifications to the format of the CSV usage file download might assist with integrating with automation. If you have any suggestions for interim steps we could take to assist with this, short of full API access, I would love to share them with the team. 


Hi David,

I am very keen to have data into Home Assistant.


There is a way to import into the Home Assistant Recorder if an Integration called Spook in installed. 

Maybe this could be a way as an interim step.









Another request here for some sort of API. I'm using Home Asistant to track and automate my useage over time, and INSTANTANEOUS....I.e. if our solar system is producing enough excess, we can use the Tumble dryer, Aircon , charge the car, etc. 

Really missing the 'bill' part though. I'm tracking my Peak / off peak, etc use but would be useful to match DIY measured 'stuff' with actual proper bills :-). I love charts!


if there's no API, Just some type of 'standard' script / spreadsheet that allows an end user to take the raw data and interpret it simplistically. 

I mean, there's 100's of ways of doing it, and no doubt lots have re-invented the wheel thousands of times. why not have 'one truth' and knock something out yourselves. Ain't perfect, ain't real time!